Thank You!
So that was that! We've recovered well and have gone back over the day and posted a few more photos and details about how things went. Thank you to everyone for your support, we feel so lucky to have such amazing friends and family, thank you!! Ash and Will x
Lots of people have been asking as to how far we actually got through the event. While we don't strictly know, we were probably a bit shy of the half way point on the kayak stage. The kayak leg is 67km, so I think we had 35km still to go. The final cycle is 70km, which means we were 105km short of the 243km total distance. My math makes that 138±3km over 13 hours. As Nick kindly pointed out, we'd done all the uphill and most of the downhill by this point, and the final cycle leg would have been a leisurely roll to the beach...sigh.
It's a Wrap
Firstly, apologies for the extremely limited updates here today. For all my talk it seems that the C2C system failed after the first leg and the support crew ended up with only limited internet access. The good news is that we are all safely back in Christchurch. The bad news is that we couldn't complete the course because we were just too slow. We got almost half way through the kayak stage, putting us about 110-120km across the island over thirteen hours. We completely failed to appreciate the difficulty of the mountain run stage and this slowed us down much too much. There were some highly dramatic moments along the way, and we both thorouhly enjoyed the course. The support crew fly out in a few hours so we all need to pack and get sorted. Thanks again everyone -- Ash
The hard part
Just thought I should also point out that Ash and Will did all the UPHILL parts of the race!
Final Photo
Well it was fun while it lasted, but our attempt at completing the 2014 Coast to Coast is over. We gave it our best, and both feel really good, but we simply haven't moved fast enough. While we feel well enough to press on to Christchurch, its going to take a very long time, and the support crew fly out in 9 hours, so that's it. Its time to head home in our mighty chariot!
There is a 7pm cutoff at "Woodstock" for the river stage and the boys haven't made it there, so that's it. They're being pulled off the river by jetboat.
The boys made it into the kayaking stage with seconds to spare! More updates to follow. ..

SMS Update
ASHLEY NORRIS your time for Bike 15km was 00:40:05

SMS Update
WILLIAM NASH your time for Bike 15km was 00:38:59

SMS Update
ASHLEY NORRIS your time for Run 33km was 05:59:57

SMS Update
WILLIAM NASH your time for Run 33km was 05:59:56
Beautiful country side by the transition point complete with all the modern conveniences!
Bikes and kayaks are in place the boys should be finished on goat's pass soon!
Goat's Pass
When we originally planned this out we hoped we'd get to Goat's Pass by noon. And amazingly, we did it! But, as we later discovered, this wasn't enough to get through the course in time :( No more photos on this leg, from the top to "Klondyke Corner" we were working as hard as we possibly could.
First Transition Success!
The first transition was a success! Our boys have made great time and are feeling good!

SMS Update
WILLIAM NASH your time for Run 3km and Bike 55km was 02:20:16

SMS Update
ASHLEY NORRIS your time for Run 3km and Bike 55km was 02:20:17
T-Minus Eight Hours, and Counting...
OK, OK, thank you for all the support, but by now you must be bored sick of posts about gear checking and want to know when the carnage starts. Well, wait no longer. We are now in bed and all set for tomorrow morning. Thank you to everyone who has supported us and helped us to get this far. Thank you to those who have sent us encouraging messages, though we have a few anonymous ones so please tag them if you can. All we do in the morning is get up and go, so I'll now leave you in the perfectly capable hands of the support crew. See y'll in Christchurch!
It's about half five on Friday morning and it's a little tricky to sleep as all around us the two day competitors are slamming car doors, packing kit and generally faffing about. In case you haven't read the event info pages, entrants can choose to do this in one or two days. The two day guys will do the cycle and run today, sleep at Klondyke Corner and then finish the last stages tomorrow. It's timed so that everyone finishes around the same time, which for us could be close to midnight. I was pretty tired last night and have managed to get a good bit of sleep tucked away already, even though I probably won't sleep again tonight...maybe I'm feeling some pre-race nerves about finishing this thing tomorrow...only way to know is to try. Yes, btw, it's still raining...
Gold Star
It's the end of our first day in New Zealand and we've done surprising well with the logistics. Our van is a beast, the kayaks are cool and as far as we can tell the bikes are fully functional. Tomorrow (Friday) is a rest day for us and we intend to spend it reviewing the race day plans, having Grapes notorise our wills, and sampling the fine beverages at the Monteith's brewery in Greymouth.
This speights beer is alright warm bro!
Ready To Go
Our NZ telephone number is now up and working. Send all messages to +64 279 696 131

SMS Update
The team is in Sydney. One flight to go, let's hope the bikes made it too!

SMS Update
Good to see Orange are supporting us! Thank you to them for wasting electrons with this message! --- Thank you for signing up to an Orange plan. Orange is brought to you by EE which is why you'll see EE at the top of your screen. You're using EE's 3G network, the biggest in the UK.
Flap Flap Flap
Well, that was an adventure, a few cheeky pre-flight beers and before we knew it security was rammed and we had to run for the plane. All aboard now and set for 24 hours of A380 action.

SMS Update
Final SMS check, we're out the door soon and it will be challenging to debug my dodgy homebrew SMS setup once we leave. Thanks Mike for the encouraging words and photo, as everyone knows I don't drink, but that beer sure looks good! - Ash
Flying out tomorrow...
Ash and I packed all the compulsory gear this afternoon - so were more or less done and ready to fly! I'm feeling pretty anxious about the logistics but we're very well prepared so everything should run smoothly tomorrow. Time for a massive dinner, and a long sleep before the flight tomorrow!!

SMS Update
Final gear check is taking place today. While we can certainly pick up odd bits in Christchurch on Thursday, we already have enough faff to deal with. Once we know everything is here we need to then try and pack the bags. With any luck she'll be right mate.

SMS Update
This is a test of our SMS posting system. The message was sent by SMS and should end up appearing on the C2C website front page. We'll be using this technique to bring live updates from the event organisers, and support crew, on race day - Sat 15th Feb. Ash
Last Week in Oxford
We now have only one week before blast off! The gear still needs to be thoroughly checked, but in principle everything is in place. We just need to look after ourselves and ensure we arrive in New Zealand all in one piece!
Support Crew Finalised
A massive thank you to the support crew for coming over from Australia for the event. These heroes are my dad Dennis Norris and the two reprehensible reprobates, Nick West and Mike "Grapes" Kelly.
This Is It
We are now fully committed to the NZ Coast to Coast for 2014. The gear has slowly come together over the past few months, but now we have everything we need to get through the course. We'll try to put as much information here as we can, since we hope it will help others wishing to complete the event.