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HomeGamma Zeros

Reference value activity factors (γi0) for each element in an infinite solution of Fe at a reference temperature of 1873K.

The program will scale these factors to the required temperature before using them.

All elements in this list are supported by this program and can have their activity calculated.

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 Reference
Ag5.7645639469161318.8Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016
Al-3.01593498087150.049Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279
As-2.61729583783370.073Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016
B-3.81671282562380.022Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279
Bi9.375176614429111792Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016
C-0.619896718820350.538Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279
Ca7.72753511047542270Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279
Cd4.8828019225864132Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016
Ce-1.13320373343770.322Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279
Co-0.597837000755620.55Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5
Cr01Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5
Cu2.14943391349998.58Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279
Ga-0.510825623765990.6Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016
Ge-3.91202300542810.02Nunoue, S.-Y. and E. Kato (1988). "Mass spectrometric study of the activities of the Fe-Ge system at 1550C." Metallurgical Transactions B 19(3): 511-513.
H01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Wood
Hf01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Wood
In3.31054301339427.4Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016
La2.23001440015929.3Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279
Mn0.364643113587911.44Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279
Mo01Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5
N01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Wood
Nb-1.60943791243410.2Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5
Ni-0.415515443961670.66Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5
O01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Wood
P01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Wood
Pb7.00940893270861107Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016
Re01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Wood
S01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Wood
Sb-0.891598119283780.41Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016
Si-5.40367788220590.0045Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5
Sn0.947789398933532.58Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279
Ta-3.21887582486820.04Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279
Ti-5.52146091786220.004Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279
Tl10.14576684215925483Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016
U-3.61191841297780.027Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279
V-2.52572864430830.08Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5
W1.09861228866813Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5
Zn0.83724752453372.31Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016
Zr-3.29683736633790.037Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279

Raw Data By Element

This website uses a cascading scheme to ensure the latest and most valid data are used, while maintaining an audit trail of revisions. Listed below are the revisions made to each data with references. In all cases the last value listed is the number used in the table above.

Ag (Silver)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Ag5.298317366548200Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv
Ag5.7645639469161318.8Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016gammas_07_norris_computations.csv

Al (Aluminum)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Al-3.01593498087150.049Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv

As (Arsenic)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
As-4.71833888409370.0089Voisin, L., H. M. Henao, et al. (2005). "Phase Relations, Activities and Minor Elements Distribution in Fe–Pb–As and Fe–Pb–Sb Systems Saturated with Carbon at 1473 K." MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 46(12): 3030-3036.gammas_05_voisen_et_al.csv
As-2.61729583783370.073Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016gammas_07_norris_computations.csv

B (Boron)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
B-3.81671282562380.022Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv

Bi (Bismuth)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Bi9.375176614429111792Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016gammas_07_norris_computations.csv

C (Carbon)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
C-0.619896718820350.538Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv

Ca (Calcium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Ca7.72753511047542270Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv

Cd (Cadmium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Cd4.8828019225864132Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016gammas_07_norris_computations.csv

Ce (Cerium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Ce-1.13320373343770.322Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv

Co (Cobalt)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Co-0.597837000755620.55Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv
Co-0.597837000755620.55Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5gammas_04_tuff_et_al.csv

Cr (Chromium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Cr01Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv
Cr01Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5gammas_04_tuff_et_al.csv

Cu (Copper)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Cu2.14943391349998.58Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv

Ga (Gallium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Ga01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Woodgammas_02_estimates.csv
Ga-0.510825623765990.6Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016gammas_07_norris_computations.csv

Ge (Germanium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Ge01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Woodgammas_02_estimates.csv
Ge-3.91202300542810.02Nunoue, S.-Y. and E. Kato (1988). "Mass spectrometric study of the activities of the Fe-Ge system at 1550C." Metallurgical Transactions B 19(3): 511-513.gammas_06_nunoue_kato_1988.csv

H (Hydrogen)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
H01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Woodgammas_02_estimates.csv

Hf (Hafnium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Hf01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Woodgammas_02_estimates.csv

In (Indium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
In3.31054301339427.4Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016gammas_07_norris_computations.csv

La (Lanthanum)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
La2.23001440015929.3Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv

Mn (Manganese)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Mn0.364643113587911.44Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv

Mo (Molybdenum)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Mo01Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv
Mo01Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5gammas_04_tuff_et_al.csv

N (Nitrogen)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
N01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Woodgammas_02_estimates.csv

Nb (Niobium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Nb-1.60943791243410.2Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv
Nb-1.60943791243410.2Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5gammas_04_tuff_et_al.csv

Ni (Nickel)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Ni-0.415515443961670.66Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv
Ni-0.415515443961670.66Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5gammas_04_tuff_et_al.csv

O (Oxygen)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
O01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Woodgammas_02_estimates.csv

P (Phosphorus)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
P01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Woodgammas_02_estimates.csv

Pb (Lead)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Pb6.7298240704895837Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv
Pb7.00940893270861107Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016gammas_07_norris_computations.csv

Re (Rhenium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Re01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Woodgammas_02_estimates.csv

S (Sulfur)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
S01Gamma zero estimates for unknown elements by J. Wade and B.Woodgammas_02_estimates.csv

Sb (Antimony)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Sb-1.09961278900170.333Voisin, L., H. M. Henao, et al. (2005). "Phase Relations, Activities and Minor Elements Distribution in Fe–Pb–As and Fe–Pb–Sb Systems Saturated with Carbon at 1473 K." MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 46(12): 3030-3036.gammas_05_voisen_et_al.csv
Sb-0.891598119283780.41Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016gammas_07_norris_computations.csv

Si (Silicon)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Si-6.64539101451460.0013Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv
Si-5.40367788220590.0045Bouchard and Bale, "Simultaneous optimization of thermochemical data for liquid iron alloys containing C, N, Ti, Si, Mn, S, and P", p479, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, DOI:10.1007/BF02653863, 1995gammas_03_si_revision_bouchard_and_bale.csv
Si-5.40367788220590.0045Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5gammas_04_tuff_et_al.csv

Sn (Tin)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Sn0.947789398933532.58Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv

Ta (Tantalum)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Ta-3.21887582486820.04Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv

Ti (Titanium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Ti-5.52146091786220.004Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv

Tl (Thallium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Tl10.14576684215925483Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016gammas_07_norris_computations.csv

U (Uranium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
U-3.61191841297780.027Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv

V (Vanadium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
V-2.52572864430830.08Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv
V-2.52572864430830.08Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5gammas_04_tuff_et_al.csv

W (Tungsten)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
W01Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv
W1.09861228866813Tuff, J, Wood, BJ, Wade, J,"The effect of Si on metal-silicate partitioning of siderophile elements and implications for the conditions of core formation", GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA, 2011, 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.027, Table 5gammas_04_tuff_et_al.csv

Zn (Zinc)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Zn0.83724752453372.31Gamma zeros computed from binary alloy phase diagrams, DPhil thesis "Volatilities of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts" A. Norris, 2016gammas_07_norris_computations.csv

Zr (Zirconium)

Decimal Places:
Element lnγi0 γi0 ReferenceSource
Zr-3.29683736633790.037Gordon and Breach, Steelmaking Data Sourcebook, 1984, Table 1, p278-279gammas_01_gordon_breach_table1.csv